
Monday, February 18, 2013

Ace Attorneys and Awesome Albums

So... my birthday was sometime this month! Whoo! I'm not telling you when or how old I am though, you internet stalkers -.-"
Anyways, I went down to Best Buy yesterday, and I found a copy of Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney for Nintendo DS. For only $14! And, since I constantly quote the darn game but have never actually played it.... I decided to buy it. And I've gotta say, I love it. I'm on chapter 3. Edgeworth irks me. He's awesome and all, but he irks me. Plain and simple. I mean, really, can I just get through one case without nearly tearing my hair out because he objects when I'm about to win? Honestly...

Anyways... on to my second topic. I got an iTunes gift card, so of course I went and bought some video game and TV show music. I bought the opening themes (and some other songs) from the Merlin, Sherlock, and Doctor Who: Season 5 albums. And then I got the Rhythm Thief and the Emperor's Treasure: Volume One album. I'm in love with the game's music, and I definately reccomend it. My favorite has to be "Enter Raphael" or "The Theme of Phantom R" or a bunch of other ones that I wont even bother listing because this post is so long already. Needless to say, I love music from games/TV shows. Those albums and songs are all wonderful, go check them out if you want. I'm sure they're on YouTube... :)

If there are any Rhythm Thief fans out there, check this video out. It's amazing. I love Random Encounters videos.

That's mainly what I wanted to talk about... but I think I have more to say. Here it goes.

And are there any Legend of Zelda fans out there? Are you guys psyched for Windwaker for Wii U? I'm not the biggest LoZ fan, but I've gotta say, I'm pretty excited.

Last time I posted, I had just beaten Drayden on Pokemon White 2. I got to the Elite Four, nearly beat them on my first try, and then got slaughtered by Iris's Haxorus. End of story.

Now to actually talk about writing XD
Um, yeah, I need to update my Danny Phantom story. Last time I left it Clockwork was saved by Cujo and... yeah. Muahahahaha... I have plans >:)
If anyone wants to read my fanfictions, go click that link on the side of the page. See it? Yeah, that one. Right there. Riiighht there. *Points dramatically to link*
Oh, and any Danny Phantom fans out there? You'll get a kick out of this. So, for my birthday, one of my friends got me a box of Fruitloops with a picture of Vlad on it. Isn't that great? XD

Has anyone else ever done a "shuffle challenge?" (I think that's what they're called.) You know, where you just put your MP3 Player on shuffle and write for the duration of the song? Well, it's super fun. I recomend doing it, especially if you're writing an original story and are trying to develop your characters. It helps a lot. I know, I know, shuffle challenges are typically used for fanfiction. But is there any rule that they can't be used for original stories? No.
Oh, and here's something I reccomend. It's this app (if you've got a smartphone or iPad or whatever) called "A Novel Idea." It's great for organizing ideas, locations, characters, and scenes from your novel. I mean, you could just write it all down on paper, but if you're like me and can't keep things organized, then the app is great.

Did anyone survive through that rant or did you just leave sometime in the middle? Well, anyways... here's to the survivors! (If there are any, considering I still don't have any followers -.-")
Signing off,
~Sydney J. :)

P.S. I apologize for my spelling errors, I know they're in there somewhere...

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