
Sunday, April 21, 2013

The Ice has Melted

Remember how I said I felt as if I were plowing through a wall of ice (or maybe I didn't say that, I'm not sure)? Well, I am happy to report that the ice is melting! I have typed out about 2,000 words within the last two hours. Woohoo! I'm at 5,160 now, so I have nine days to type around 15,000 words.

I've got this.

That's all I have to say at the moment. I must return to my novel! :D

Signing Off,
~Sydney J. :)

Monday, April 8, 2013

End of the Eighth Day

Day eight has come to a close, and I have begun to see some hope for my word count. Week two is going to be filled with speed-writing in an attempt to make up for the lack of words in week one, and all the while I'm trying to maintain quality as well as quantity. I am currently at 2,512 words, which isn't good AT ALL, but I'm getting there.

Also, I wrote myself into a ditch. A ditch that I saw coming for miles but didn't actually realize how deep it was until I fell in.
Okay, to be honest it wasn't all that deep, but it felt like it. I had to write this extremely awkward scene in which two of my main characters meet for the first time. Why, you may ask, is it awkward? Well, one of the characters can't talk and the other is not exactly good with people (plus he didn't know that the other couldn't speak). That led to quite an issue. On top of that, they were in the middle of a rainstorm, standing out on the sidewalk. So here's what I finally decided on:


The two stood there for a moment, both waiting for the other to speak first. Rale decided it would be best to greet him, maybe even introduce himself.
"You're going to get mugged again if you just stand there," Rale said bluntly, speaking loudly to be heard over the storm. The other teen seemed to be slightly taken aback, and then he straightened his posture so he no longer leaned against the building. Rale rubbed the back of his neck nervously and waited for a response.


Heh. I laughed a bit at that. Rale is an interesting character... I always have fun writing about him. :)
I know it needs quite a bit of work still, though I think that'll do for now.

Signing Off,
~Sydney J.

Sunday, April 7, 2013

End of an Eternity (At least, that's what it feels like to me...)

Well, it seemed like an eternity. An eternity of writer's block, in which I could not seem to write ANYTHING.
The good news? I think I finally managed to carve a path through that stubborn writer's block. I'm now at 2,140 words. I know that isn't very good considering how much time has passed, but I was just stuck. Though now I'm feeling motivated again, which means more words!!! Woohoo!
Now, here's that piece of my novel I promised in the last post:


The man made an attempt to punch Brycen, but the teen managed to dodge quicker than any Earth Dragon should have been able to. Unfortunately, the rain was still pouring rather hard, and he missed the sound of feet on pavement, of a fist swinging through the air, and even of something coming in harsh contact with his skull. He slipped on the slick ground beneath him and fell to the ground, catching himself on his hands and knees. He knew that he could take them down almost instantly if he needed to, but his moral compass pointed to far in the other direction for him to even consider that as an option. Surely if they knew how strong he really was, they wouldn't have attacked him in the first place. It wasn't wise to mess with the brute force of an Earth Dragon.


Ok, I know that it still needs a lot of editing. I said "him," "his" and "he" constantly, not to mention the fact that it's a bit choppy and just... I don't know, but it feels like it's lacking something. I also know that this doesn't make much sense out of context, though it does give you a bit of insight into what this character is like. Or at least I hope it does. Either way, I hope you liked it...?

Well, good luck, my fellow novelists!! :D
~Sydney J. :)

Saturday, April 6, 2013

Day 6-- I'm Doomed

Guys, I'm so behind its not even funny. Its day 6 of Camp NaNoWriMo, so I should be at about 6,000 words, right? Well, I'm at 1,200 something-or-other. I have had such a lack of inspiration. I mean, I've planned out what needs to happen, but I have been so un-motivated that it just hasn't gotten written. That's all I have to say for now.

Signing off,
~Sydney J. :)

P.S. Next time I post, I'll add a little piece of what I've written so far.